[Linux] VMware Workstation Pro 12.1.0
VMware Workstation Pro 12.1.0 :linux:
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Vários sistemas operativos num só
VMware Workstation disponibiliza os recursos necessários para executar vários sistemas operativos no mesmo PC sem a necessidade de particionar o disco rígido ou reiniciar o computador. Os utilizadores podem isolar e proteger o ambiente de cada sistema operativo, assim como a informação e as aplicações que são executadas.
O software permite uma interligação entre sistemas operativos, incluindo recursos de rede, dispositivos, partilha de ficheiros, recursos de cortar e colar e permite desfazer as alterações realizadas durante uma sessão. Manipule cada sistema, podendo retroceder e reiniciar configurações ou movê-las entre diferentes máquinas.
O programa oferece suporte para sistemas operativos de 32 e 64-bits. O VMware Workstation permite ainda o download de máquinas virtuais para o vSphere, ligação de dispositivos USB 3.0 em máquinas virtuais e utilização de DirectX e OpenGL.
Título: VMware Workstation Pro
Versão: 12.1.0
Género: PC Virtualization
Idioma: English
Data de Lançamento: Dezembro 2015
Tamanho: 395MB
Inclui chave de activação
--- Código: ---• 64-bit x86 Intel Core Solo Processor or equivalent, AMD Athlon 64 FX Dual Core Processor or equivalent
• 1.3GHz speed or faster
• 2GB RAM minimum (4GB RAM recommended)
• 1.2 GB of available disk space for the application (additional hard disk space required for each virtual machine).
• Ubuntu 10.04 and above, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.8 and above, CentOS 5.8 and above, Oracle Linux 5.8 and above, openSUSE 11.2 and above, SUSE Linux 11.2 and above
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Clicar aqui para ver conteúdo escondido (Passar cursor para mostrar conteúdo)State of the Art Desktop Virtualization for Windows and Linux
VMware Workstation Pro takes advantage of the latest hardware to replicate server, desktop and tablet environments in a virtual machine. Run applications on a breadth of operating systems including Linux, Windows and more at the same time on the same PC without rebooting. VMware Workstation Pro makes it really easy to evaluate new operating systems like Windows 10, test software applications and patches, and reference architectures in an isolated and safe environment. No other desktop virtualization software offers the performance, reliability and cutting edge features of Workstation Pro.
Create Powerful Virtual Machines
With the ability to allocate multiple processor cores, gigabytes of main memory, and graphics memory to each virtual machine, Workstation Pro maximizes your computer’s resources to run the most demanding applications in a virtual environment. Workstation Pro even lets you run virtual ESXi hosts and vSphere appliances, letting you create an entire Software Defined Data Center right on your desktop.
Take Control of Your Virtual Machines
Workstation Pro gives technical professionals powerful controls over how to set up and interact with virtual machines. Choose from a wide variety of options for installing, protecting, connecting, sharing and viewing virtual machines to save valuable time. You can even create virtual machines that are encrypted, require a change of password and expire at a predefined date and time. Use the virtual network editor to build up to 20 custom virtual networks for connected multi-tier applications. Leverage the Snapshot feature to preserve the state of a virtual machine so you can return to it at any time.
Display Powerful 3D Graphics
Workstation 12 Pro now supports DirectX 10 and OpenGL 3.3 delivering a more fluid and responsive experience when running 3D applications. With these added capabilities you now have access to all the applications that require Direct X10 such as Microsoft’s Power Map tool for Excel, allowing you to visualize data in a whole new dimension. In addition, Workstation makes running highly demanding 3D applications like AutoCAD or SOLIDWORKS a snap in a virtual machine.
Ready for High Resolution Displays
Workstation 12 Pro has been optimized to support high resolution 4K UHD (3840 x 2160) displays for Desktops and QHD+ (3200x1800) displays used in laptops and x86 tablets providing you with a crisp and detailed experience. Workstation 12 Pro now supports multiple monitors on the host with different DPI settings so you can run your brand new 4K UHD display along with your existing 1080P HD display.
Protect Your Work and Save Time
With Workstation 12 Pro, you can safeguard and protect your virtual machines and save valuable time when using the Snapshot and Clone features. The Snapshot feature preserves the state of a virtual machine so you can return to it at any time. Duplicating Workstation virtual machines is easy using the clone feature, which allows you to make unlimited copies of a virtual machine right from the baseline installation and configuration. Linked clones are an even quicker, easier and more efficient way to duplicate complex setups for testing and custom demos. Linked clones make a copy of a virtual machine that shares virtual disks with the parent virtual machine and have the benefit of taking significantly less disk space than a full clone.
Enhanced Connectivity
Workstation 12 Pro takes advantage of the latest hardware supporting HD audio with 7.1 surround sound, USB 3.0, and Bluetooth devices making it easy to get your new webcam, headset, or printer connected in a virtual machine. Workstation 12 Pro now supports USB 3.0 in Windows 7 besides Windows 8 for ultra-fast file transfers with external storage devices. In addition Workstation 12 Pro improves performance of Skype or Lync conference calls within guest virtual machines so you can conduct crystal clear conference calls from your virtual machines.
Build Virtual Networks
With improved IPv6 support, including IPv6-to-IPv4 Network Address Translation (6to4 and 4to6), users can create more complex networking topologies than ever before. Use the Workstation 12 Pro virtual network editor to add and remove virtual IPv4 or IPv6 networks and create custom virtual networking configurations, ideal for testing and demonstration environments without impacting the PCs network configuration.
Share Your Virtual Machines
Sharing a virtual machine is the quickest way to share and test applications with your team in a more production like environment. Run VMware Workstation Pro as a server to share a repository of pre-loaded virtual machines in every desired configuration with your teammates, department or organization. VMware Workstation Pro provides enterprise caliber control over user access when sharing virtual machines.
From the PC to the Cloud
Seamlessly access all the virtual machines you need, regardless of where they reside, from the PC to the cloud. Simply drag and drop to move your virtual machines from your PC to the private cloud with VMware vSphere or the public cloud with vCloud Air. By leveraging the hybrid cloud you are no longer constrained by the power of your PC and can quickly migrate and scale your workloads to the cloud while reducing complexity and maintaining compatibility.
User Interface
Workstation 12 Pro gives technical professionals powerful control over how to set up and interact with virtual machines whether running them locally on your PC or in the cloud. The Workstation 12 Pro interface includes simplified menus, live thumbnails, tabs, preferences screens, and a virtual machine library with search capability allowing you to quickly view and access you virtual machines saving valuable time.
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